ARMY WARRANT OFFICER HISTORY "The Legacy of Leadership as a Warrant Officer"
Part VI - Addendum | Summary | Additional Resources | Related Web Sites | Credits | | Warrant Officer Programs of Other Services| | Parts Index |
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Army Warrant Officers are soldiers, technical experts, officers, and leaders that manage and maintain increasingly complex battlefield systems. Warrant Officers enhance the Army's ability to defend our national interests, and to fight and win our nation's wars.
Candidates who successfully complete Army Warrant Officer Candidate School are appointed in the grade of Warrant Officer One (WO1). When advanced to Chief Warrant Officer Two (CW2), Warrant Officers are commissioned by the President and have the same legal status as their traditional commissioned officer counterparts. However, Warrant Officers remain single-specialty officers whose career track is oriented towards progressing within their career field rather than focusing on increased levels of command and staff duty positions.
There are five grades within the Army Warrant Officer Corps. A person is initially appointed as a Warrant Officer (WO1), and progress to Chief Warrant Officer Two (CW2) after 2 years. Competitive promotion to Chief Warrant Officer Three (CW3), Chief Warrant Officer Four (CW4), and Chief Warrant Officer Five (CW5) occur at approximately six year intervals for Aviation Warrant Officers and five year intervals for those in technical specialties.
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This history grew out of a history written by then Warrant Officer 1 Syverston, USA, whose primary resource was a student handout from the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Career College. The history was edited and put into HTML by Chief Warrant Officer 3 Callahan, USA, Webmaster at the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Center and School. The history has been further edited, expanded and is currently maintained by Chief Warrant Officer 5 (Retired) Dave Welsh, then National Webmaster & Past National President of USAWOA (1988-1992) and who currently is the President, a Board Member and the Founder of the Warrant Officer Historical Foundation (formerly Warrant Officers Heritage Foundation).
Information on the Warrant Officer programs of the other services was derived from the Defense Department Report to Congress on the Warrant Officer Management Act, dated 30 November 1989. CW5 Welsh was a member of the DoD Study Group.
We also gratefully acknowledge the contributions to this history by CW4 Don Hess, USA Ret; CW4 Lon Flurer, USA Ret; CW4 Jerry McRee, USA Ret; CW5 Don Howerton, USA Ret; Mr. Dave Johnson, Casemate Museum, Fort Monroe VA; CW5 Ray Bell, USA Ret; CW5 Don Woodruff, USA Ret; CW3 Melanie Ladra, USA; CWO3 James R. Smith, USMC; CW4 Farrell Chiles, USAR; CW4 Pat Hudson, ARNG; CW5 Gary Nisker, ARNGUS; CW2 Paul J. Carilli, ARNG; CW4 Kenneth 'Pete" Hill, USA Ret; CW5 Bob Huffman, USA Ret; CW5 (Ret) Jerry DiIllard, USA Ret; CW5 Matt Wojdak; CW5 Mike Adair, USA Ret; Ramon Jackson, Patriot Net; CW4 (Ret) Bob Scott, CW4 (Ret) Jack DuTiel, CW5 (Ret) Rhea Pruitt, and numerous others.
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WARRANT The Legacy of Leadership as a
Warrant Officer Index
| Part VI - Addendum (Summary and Credits)
| Warrant Officer Programs of Other Services |
| Additional Resources |
Related Web Sites |
This is a living document which is updated as research progresses and events transpire.
Comments and additional historical data may be emailed to the Foundation at